Project 1: Doubly Linked Lists
Doubly linked lists (DLLs) are a fundamental data structure used to store sequential information. DLLs consist of a chain of nodes linked to one another by forward and backward_references, such that one may traverse the chain from the head to the tail, or vice-versa. Each node stores a value, which may be a number, string, or more complex object.
Traditional arrays provide a simpler means for storing sequential information, but come with a major drawback which DLLs avoid: arrays require contiguous blocks of memory, while DLLs may utilize memory wherever it is available. In settings where data is updated, manipulated or deleted frequently, DLLs outperform traditional arrays by avoiding the need for memory reallocation. This article ( gives a nice overview of the distinction between DLLs and arrays.
Also see Zybooks Chapter 20 if you need further review of DLL. See the full assignment specs on D2L.